Sunday, July 31, 2011


The past 8 or so months have really taken their toll on me.  I honestly feel like they have touched every part of my life, and while I know it's all worth it, well, that doesn't mean that there hasn't been downfalls and disappointments.

In an effort to gain more balance (notice I didn't say control?), I figure I need to start a mission.  The mission is the BeGood2Me-my own creation, as silly as it might sound.  Its a daily effort on my part to not only do the little things, but take pleasure in the little things that surround me.  Its an effort to put energy back into myself so I can began to feel more like myself.

So for the month of August, I'm going to do one thing each day just for me. Not because I have to, but because I want to and because I need to.  I'll post each day on this little journey of me being good to me.

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